LVIV vintage collection

Shop Lv.Iv Vintage

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I have been having a hard few weeks with work, and life general. Though I feel new opportunities are coming my way its hard to realize the ones that are not working out, so with that said I was more than happy to see the issue of Sept.Vogue that had Ms. Halle Berry on it. This is so important to me because as a person of color it is more than hard to be seen in the same light as other race, so after seeing this I was happy to know that maybe just maybe America is opening up and realizing that beauty comes in all different colors. Sorry to waste your time but thanks for listening.

Monday, September 27, 2010

here is some sunshine

hey guys sorry I have been goon for so long but here is some inspiration for you to chew on till tomorrow.

Lv.Iv vintage

Lv.Iv vintage
These pants were $5

Lv.Iv vintage

Lv.Iv vintage

thrift store finds

thrift store finds