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Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I have always seen the ads in the newspaper and craigslist of people looking for a roommate, but I have never thought of what really comes with those suitcases until I meant my roommate from hell BB. She was of average height and abnormal weight. She had long hair that curled at the end a big nose the resembled Pinocchio’s. She walked with a heavy foot and a fake smile to mask her intentions. She is what we call the roommate from hell not because she was unfortunate when it comes to looks but because she was a liar, thief, and just rude. I first found out the kind of person she was the second day we moved in. That was the day I had gotten home from work and she had a guy that was supposable her man. After that the train of different guys kept rolling in. I will hear story after story about how she likes this guy and how this guy likes her so on and so forth. I would pretend to be interested just for entertainment reason just for her to realize later that he was only using her for her connections or big booobs. Although after watching this event happening time after time I began to feel bad for her, but then I realize why I really don’t like her. I came home one day and my food was gone, I asked and asked and no one knew. A few weeks had passed when I notice that the rapping of my food was underneath her bad. But what did it all for me was when I came home from hard days work to see this girl in my clothes and when she was confronted she said she had nothing to wear. Though she had nothing to wear in the morning she did not call to ask for permit ion and was not respectful to return it after she was done. Not only did she wear my things she also smoked in our room and also left the kitchen looking like OMG for the longest time. This character would wash her hair and leave it in the tub, she would furt while others were around, would also sleep barely clothed exposing all of her size 14 lumps. Though all this doesn’t seem that extreme she is also known as a thief. This girl stole my bank card and spent it at a car place and tried to get money out off an ATM. She would also tweet about me calling me a bitch when I wouldn’t turn of the radio to so she can read when I was there first. As the moral of the story comes to an end before you except someone into your home make sure you know the ends and outs about them. WARNING WARNING WARNING if you are to ever run into this girl RUNNNNNNNNNNN as fast as possible and never look back.

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