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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Valentines Day is for the BIRDS and the BEESSS

Valentines Day is one of my hated holidays but for all y'all lovers here is a few things to get into in the DC area.
LA SAINT-VALENTIN: spent the night in France and speak the language of love NOPE, I can do even better spend the night at the France embassy(4101 Reservoir Road N.W.) and still enjoy the comfort of home. The embassy will offer pictures in front of the Eiffel Tower and other great things that the city of love and fashion has to offer for a small price of $75.

RUB OR BE RUBBED?: A question that might come up in many relationships but can be solved tonight. The Hotel Rogue is offering ways to spice up valentines day with a "package" not that one but a massage package that includes an in room massage tips for lovers on for a small price of $419.(1315 16th St. N.W.)

BIRDS and the BEES: A story told to every couple but this story can be uncovered with stroll at the U.S. Botanic Gardens. The garden offers great environment for birds and bees and mating rituals for the price of $10 a person. 100 Maryland ave S.W

For more info and other V-DAY ideas check out

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